Membership and Certifications
Engaging within the wider industry is an important part of our work in Australia.

In Australia, Blue Phoenix has established the Manufacturers of Incinerator Bottom Ash Aggregate of Australia (MIBAAA) Association, to bring together industry players to ensure sustainable and responsible pathways for the reuse of incinerator bottom ash. The association is supported by Manufacturers of IBA Aggregates Association (MIBAA) in the United Kingdom, which has worked with regulators and industry to set standards for the reuse of more than 2.5 million tonnes of ash each year.
Residual waste treated in EfW plants contains inert materials such as metals, glass, stones, masonry, and slag. This material remains after combustion and is called incinerator bottom ash or IBA. The IBA is then treated in a secondary treatment plant to recover all ferrous and non-ferrous metals, screen and size aggregates and remove any unburnt materials. Blue Phoenix will process 100 per cent of the IBA – about 80,000 tonnes per annum – from the Australian EfW plant.
IBA will play a significant role in road and civil construction in Australia, and in the long-term, MIBAAA will look at IBA and what else it can be used for such as a replacement for concrete, filler, or clinker.